October 2024
September 2024
Settling into September, we're back with a little update on the world of Shively Acoustics International: the Audio Product Development Alliance, ongoing projects, and upcoming industry events. . .
August 2024
It's that time again, dear readers! Back in March, we kicked off our SAI Spotlight series, which zooms in on one of Shively Acoustics International's numerous industry collaborations in order to showcase our areas of expertise in action. In Spotlight #2, we shine the light on consumer wellness wearables developer Apollo Neuro and a project begun three years ago that has since turned into so much more. . .
July 2024
“This is the best moment every two years. . .” At the end of June, the time had come once more for the AES International Conference on Automotive Audio. For three days, the whole of the industry came together again after two years for the fifth edition of what is its biggest event – and one that only continues to grow. . .
June 2024
Summer’s here, the solstice near, and things are heating up in the audio industry. AES Europe 2024 wrapped just a few days ago in Madrid, where the industry was on full display for three days. Shively Acoustics International and president Roger Shively were there for it all, immersed, shall we say, in the latest and greatest in Audio. But with Madrid fading in our rearview mirror, all roads now lead to Gothenburg. . .
May 2024
Just as springtime is a revival for the natural world, so too has the audio industry been abuzz with activity. While busy bumblebees bounce from blossom to blossom, Shively Acoustics International has also been on the move in recent weeks, with a few stops still ahead. So, what has the spring looked like for SAI so far? . .
April 2024
Friends, colleagues, and all who know us well know that celebration is in order for this edition of the SAI Blog, as Shively Acoustics International marks its first anniversary! As we pivot towards the start of our sophomore season, Roger answered a few questions about the previous year, the current state of the company, what lies ahead, and more. . .
March 2024
In this inaugural edition of the SAI Spotlight series, we take a look at Shively Acoustics International’s ongoing collaboration with automotive software supplier Silentium. Today, Silentium counts as one of SAI’s most important and established partners. While the relationship has kicked into higher gear within the last four years or so, its foundation was laid more than a decade ago. . .
February 2024
Happy Year of the Dragon, dear readers! A symbol of good fortune, prosperity, strength, and change, the dragon undulates through the air much like, well, an audiowave – how’s that for a good omen? Auspicious days these are indeed for Shively Acoustics International as we look ahead, confident and hopeful, at what’s to come. . .
January 2024
While the month of January may bring images of snowy landscapes to mind for some of you, for Shively Acoustics International the start of every year means a trip out to the desert – to CES 2024 in Las Vegas, that is! . .
It’s officially spooky season, dear readers! While Halloween may still await us, the beginning of October has already proven festive for the world of Audio. First, there was the COMSOL Conference in Boston, and then the AES Show NY, offering audioheads the world over a combined six days of intense industry interaction. Check out the highlights from Shively Acoustics International’s trip out east. . .