Enter the Dragon

Happy Year of the Dragon, dear readers! A symbol of good fortune, prosperity, strength, and change, the dragon undulates through the air much like, well, an audio wave — how’s that for a good omen? Auspicious days these are indeed for Shively Acoustics International (SAI) as we look ahead, confident and hopeful, at what’s to come.

SAI’s editorial activity has ticked up this month, as our president Roger Shively penned his latest piece for industry magazine audioXpress’s weekly newsletter The Audio Voice. And if last month’s SAI Blog post left you hungry for even more about CES 2024, then feast on this: in “CES 2024 Automotive Audio (The Good News)”, Roger goes into greater detail about his experience and impressions. Featured in issue #458, check out Roger’s article for his firsthand expert account!

This latest newsletter contribution is but the appetizer to the main course set to be served in a few months: Roger will expand his reflections into a longer article for the June issue of audioXpress, covering not only the event, but also industry technologies and trends beyond. We are also happy to hear that Automotive will become a regular and more targeted feature for the audio magazine, with Roger consequently contributing articles more frequently and attending press events.

Also approaching soon is the SAE World Congress Experience (WCX) to be held in Detroit, Michigan, from April 16-18. Roger and SAI will attend all three days of what is, by their own account, “North America’s largest technical mobility event”. If you’re planning on attending, do seek us out, whether to talk shop or even just to say hello 👋

After that comes AES 2024 Europe, to be held in Madrid, Spain, from June 15-17. It should come as no surprise that we’ll be attending! Speaking of AES events. . .

AES Automotive Audio approaching



Workshops: March 17


Papers: April 17


SUBMISSION DEADLINES 〰️ Workshops: March 17 〰️ Papers: April 17 〰️

The closer it gets, the more excited we are! As previously announced, Roger will be co-chairing the 2024 AES 5th International Conference on Automotive Audio. The Audio Engineering Society’s biennial conference will be held this year in Gothenburg, Sweden, from June 26-28.

Submissions for papers and workshops are still being accepted, so if you haven’t yet done so, we encourage you to submit now, as the deadlines are nearly here: March 17 for workshops and April 17 for peer-reviewed papers. Hear the call from the vice chairman himself:


Registration for the conference should open some time in March, so keep an eye on the website in the coming days for an announcement of the exact date. In the meantime, if you’re wondering what to expect in Gothenburg, we’ve got you covered with a look at the 2022 conference held in Dearborn, Michigan, which Roger also chaired, winning an award for his efforts:


Roger says the Dearborn conference was the most attended and financially successful to date, but "Gothenburg is shaping up to break the record”, he added. We at SAI can hardly wait to reunite with old friends and partners, but are even more excited to see new faces and hear from new voices in Automotive Audio — perhaps that’s you! Fancy summertime in Sweden?

Sooner than that, of course, the SAI Blog will be back next month — Adiós, audio amigos! ■


Shively Acoustics International — Modern Audio Solutions, Worldwide


Videographer and video editor: Spencer Shively


SAI Spotlight: Silentium


New Year, New Blog